
a library to speed up the development of Fivem scripts and frameworks

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fivem-ts - Documentation v0.7.5Docs

fivem-ts - Documentation v0.7.5 / Shared / Singleton

Function: Singleton()

Singleton<T>(constructor): (…args) => (Anonymous class)<T> & T

A decorator that ensures a class follows the Singleton pattern.

The @Singleton decorator enforces that a class can have only one instance. When a class is decorated with @Singleton, any subsequent instantiations will return the same instance rather than creating a new one. This is useful for scenarios where you want to ensure a single point of control or a global state.

Type Parameters

T extends (…args) => object

constructor type of the class being decorated.


constructor: T

The class constructor to decorate.


(…args) => (Anonymous class)<T> & T

A new class that extends the original class, ensuring only one instance is created.


class Configuration {
    public settings: any;

    constructor() {
        this.settings = { theme: 'dark' };

const instance1 = new Configuration();
const instance2 = new Configuration();

console.log(instance1 === instance2); // true

Defined in
