a library to speed up the development of Fivem scripts and frameworks
fivem-ts - Documentation v0.7.5 • Docs
fivem-ts - Documentation v0.7.5 / Shared / Config
): (target
?) =>void
A decorator for attaching configuration settings to a class or method in game environment. This allows for easy retrieval and management of settings via metadata.
• settings: object
An object containing configuration settings to associate with the class or method.
• target: any
• propertyKey?: string
• _descriptor?: PropertyDescriptor
@Config({ maxPlayers: 32, gameMode: 'deathmatch' })
class GameConfig {
class PlayerSettings {
@Config({ maxHealth: 100, canRespawn: true })
configurePlayer() {
// Retrieve configuration metadata
const configMetadata = Reflect.getMetadata('config', GameConfig);
const playerSettings = Reflect.getMetadata('configurePlayer', PlayerSettings.prototype);
console.log(configMetadata, playerSettings);
in the class’s metadata.