a library to speed up the development of Fivem scripts and frameworks
fivem-ts - Documentation v0.7.5 • Docs
fivem-ts - Documentation v0.7.5 / Shared / Conditional
): (_target
) =>void
A decorator that conditionally executes a method based on a provided condition function.
The @Conditional
decorator wraps the decorated method and only executes it if the provided condition function
returns true
for the given arguments. If the condition is not met, the method is not executed and a warning
message is logged to the console.
• conditionFunc
A function that takes the method’s arguments and returns a boolean indicating whether the method should be executed.
• _target: unknown
• propertyKey: string
• descriptor: PropertyDescriptor
class Example {
@Conditional((active) => active === true)
public performAction(active: boolean) {
console.log(`Action performed! with active value is ${active}`);
const example = new Example();
example.performAction(false); // Condition not met for function: performAction
example.performAction(true); // Action performed! with active value is true